The connection string which points to the Azure Cosmos Db. The connection string may contain all relevant connection information.
Please also specify the DatabaseName and ContainerName.
Optional: You can also provide either an AzureKeyCredential or AzureTokenCredential along with the connection string.
Alternatively, you can use the AccountEndpoint and AuthKeyOrResourceToken to establish a connection.
Optional: Instead of providing the ConnectionString and/or other credentials, you can also create
the CosmosClient manually in your code and assign it to this property. This client will then be used,
and no new client won't be created.
Please make sure bulk insert is allowed in the client.
By default, all data is created/inserted into the destination.
For each record, you can influcene the item action (e.g. to change it to upsert, replace or delete).
Replace and Delete will need to set a partition key for each record via the SetItemActionOptions.
For Delete you will also need to set an id to identify the record to be deleted.
By default, data is inserted as bulk. If you prefer to insert data as part of a transactional batch, set this property to true.
The maximum allowed batch size is then 100 (due to the limitation of Cosmos Db).
This works best if all data has the same partition key. If the incoming data has different partition keys, the data is inserted
in multiple batches, grouped by each partition key.
Make sure to add a partition key for each record using the SetItemActionOptions action.
If any of the records in the batch is flawed, the whole batch will not be inserted.
You can redirect erroneous batches using 'LinkErrorsTo()' when linking your components.