Class ObjectNameDescriptor Applies database specific formatting to an object names.
E.g. schema.ViewName would create [schema].[ViewName] for SqlServer and "schema"."ViewName" for Postgres
Inheritance ObjectNameDescriptor
Namespace : ETLBox.ControlFlowAssembly : ETLBox.dllSyntax# public sealed class ObjectNameDescriptor
Constructors ObjectNameDescriptor(string, string)#
Declaration public ObjectNameDescriptor ( string qb , string qe )
Parameters ObjectNameDescriptor(string, string, string)# Creates a new instance and already parses the values. Right after initialization you can access the values in the properties.
Declaration public ObjectNameDescriptor ( string objectName , string qb , string qe )
Parameters Type Name Description string objectName The full object name (e.g. Schema.ViewName)
string qb The database specific quotation start (e.g. '[' for Sql Server)
string qe The database specific quotation start (e.g. ']' for Sql Server)
Properties ObjectName# The name of the object that needs to have database spcific formatting applied
Declaration public string ObjectName { get ; }
Property Value The quotation begin character that is used in the database.
E.g. SqlServer uses: '[' and Postgres: '"'
Declaration public string QB { get ; }
Property Value The quotation end character that is used in the database.
E.g. SqlServer uses: ']' and Postgres: '"'
Declaration public string QE { get ; }
Property Value QuotatedDbName# The database name with quotes.
E.g. "db."schema"."ViewName" would create "db"
Declaration public string QuotatedDbName { get ; }
Property Value QuotatedFullName# The whole name with quotes.
E.g. schema.ViewName would create "schema"."ViewName"
Declaration public string QuotatedFullName { get ; }
Property Value QuotatedObjectName# The object name with quotes.
E.g. schema.ViewName would create "ViewName"
Declaration public string QuotatedObjectName { get ; }
Property Value QuotatedSchemaName# The schema name with quotes.
E.g. "schema"."ViewName" would create "schema"
Declaration public string QuotatedSchemaName { get ; }
Property Value UnquotatedDbName# The database name without any quoting.
E.g. "db"."schema"."table" would create db
Declaration public string UnquotatedDbName { get ; }
Property Value UnquotatedFullName# The whole name without any quotation.
E.g. "schema"."ViewName" would create schema.ViewName
Declaration public string UnquotatedFullName { get ; }
Property Value UnquotatedObjectName# The object name without any quoting.
E.g. "schema"."ViewName" would create ViewName
Declaration public string UnquotatedObjectName { get ; }
Property Value UnquotatedSchemaName# The schema name without any quoting.
E.g. "schema"."ViewName" would create schema
Declaration public string UnquotatedSchemaName { get ; }
Property Value Methods ParseFromObjectName(string)#
Declaration public ObjectNameDescriptor ParseFromObjectName ( string objectName )
Parameters Type Name Description string objectName
Returns SetObjectName(string)#
Declaration public ObjectNameDescriptor SetObjectName ( string tableName )
Parameters Type Name Description string tableName
Returns SetSchemaName(string)#
Declaration public ObjectNameDescriptor SetSchemaName ( string schemaName )
Parameters Type Name Description string schemaName