ColumnRename allows you to rename the column or properties names of your ingoing data.
This transformation works with objects, ExpandoObjects and arrays as input data type. ColumnRename will always convert the input type into a (dynamic) ExpandoObject.
Provide a column mapping with the old and the new name. The mapping can also be automatically retrieved from
existing ColumnMap attributes. For arrays provide the array index and the new name.
The column mapping defines how existing properties or columns are renamed.
For objects and dynamic object provide a mapping with the old and the new name (arrays: array index and new name).
The mapping can also be automatically retrieved from RenameColumn attributes on the properties in strongly typed objects.
Instead (or additional) to existing column renaming provided via the RenameColumns property or
the RenameColumn attribute, you can define your own renaming function.
It is called for each column in each row from the input, and allows you to transform the column/property name into
a different property name.
If an error occurs in the component, by default the component will throw an exception and stop execution.
If you use the error linking, any erroneous records will be caught and redirected.