Use this to pass your AzureBlobStorage connection information.
There are different methods to connect with Azure Blob Storage:
Option 1: provide an existing BlockBlobClient
Option 2: create BlockBlobClient based on the Uri and optional credential tokens - the Uri needs to be the blob url
Option 3: create BlobkBlobClient with provided ConnectionString and ContainerName, the Uri is then the name of the blob
By default, stream are created internally based on Uri & ResourceType.
If you already have an existing stream, use this function to returns a new StreamWriter based on this stream.
This function returns the next url that is used for writing data. It will used until HasNextUri returns false.
The incoming StreamMetaData holds information about the current progress and currently processed data row.
This property can be used if you want to write into multiple files or send data into different web services.
This func determines if the next data record should be written into another location.
StreamMetaData has information about the current progress and currently processed data row.
The System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage used for the request in the HttpClient. Use this property
to add additional header data type or to change the http method (e.g. for POST requests).
The System.Net.HttpResponseMessage returned from the current request. The response message is avaiable
after all data rows were sent to the destination.