Class Pivot<TInput> Month,MonthValue
Mar,300 will become# Jan,Feb,Mar
Namespace : ETLBox.DataFlowAssembly : ETLBox.dllSyntax# public class Pivot < TInput > : DataFlowTransformation < TInput , ExpandoObject >, IDataFlowTransformation < TInput , ExpandoObject >, IDataFlowSource < ExpandoObject >, IDataFlowSource , IDataFlowDestination < TInput >, IDataFlowDestination , IDataFlowComponent , ILoggableTask
Type Parameters Name Description TInput Type of incoming rows
Constructors Pivot()#
Declaration Properties ColumnNameGeneration# If set, this function is used to generate the column name for the pivoted columns.
Otherwise, the output will concatenate the names of the pivot columns.
Declaration public Func < Dictionary < string , object >, string > ColumnNameGeneration { get ; set ; }
Property Value KeepEmptyValues# If set to true, all rows will contain all columns, even if they are empty (null).
Declaration public bool KeepEmptyValues { get ; set ; }
Property Value MaxBufferSize#
Declaration public int MaxBufferSize { get ; }
Property Value PivotColumns# Columns by which the data should be pivoted - all other columns will be kept as a group column.
If you want to avoid grouping, you need to remove these columns from your data before using the pivot transformation.
(E.g. with the ColumnTransformation<TInput> )
Declaration public ICollection < PivotColumn > PivotColumns { get ; set ; }
Property Value PivotRows# The rows that are kept in the output. If not set, all rows are kept.
Declaration public ICollection < PivotRow > PivotRows { get ; set ; }
Property Value PivotValues# Value columns which contain the values for the pivot columns.
Declaration public ICollection < PivotValue > PivotValues { get ; set ; }
Property Value ProgressCount#
Declaration public int ProgressCount { get ; }
Property Value SourceBlock# SourceBlock from the underlying TPL.Dataflow which is used as output buffer for the component.
Declaration public override ISourceBlock < ExpandoObject > SourceBlock { get ; }
Property Value Overrides TargetBlock# TargetBlock from the underlying TPL.Dataflow which is used as input buffer for the component.
Declaration public override ITargetBlock < TInput > TargetBlock { get ; }
Property Value Overrides ValueAggregation# When working on non-aggregated input data, only the last values is used in the Pivot.
Use the ValueAggregationFunc to define how to handle aggregation of the values in the input data.
Declaration public Func < Pivot < TInput >. PivotDuplicate , object > ValueAggregation { get ; set ; }
Property Value ValueCombination# If multiple values for a pivot column are found, this function is used to combine the values.
Declaration public Func < Dictionary < string , object >, object > ValueCombination { get ; set ; }
Property Value Methods CheckParameter()#
Declaration protected override void CheckParameter ()
Overrides CleanUpOnFaulted(Exception)#
Declaration protected override void CleanUpOnFaulted ( Exception e )
Parameters Overrides CleanUpOnSuccess()#
Declaration protected override void CleanUpOnSuccess ()
Overrides InitComponent()#
Declaration protected override void InitComponent ()
Overrides LinkErrorTo(IDataFlowDestination<ETLBoxError>)# If an error occurs in the component, by default the component will throw an exception and stop execution.
If you use the error linking, any erroneous records will be caught and redirected.
Declaration public override IDataFlowSource < ETLBoxError > LinkErrorTo ( IDataFlowDestination < ETLBoxError > target )
Parameters Returns Overrides PrepareParameterForCheck()#
Declaration protected override void PrepareParameterForCheck ()
Overrides Reset()#
Declaration protected override void Reset ()
Overrides Implements#