Xml destination This article contains example code that shows the usage of the XmlDestination component.
On this page The Xml destination converts data from your data flow into corresponding xml code. Internally, it uses the build-in .NET Xml Serializer.
Shared code# The following method is used in the subsequent examples, and prints the content of a xml file on the console output.
private void PrintFile ( string sourceFile ) {
Console . WriteLine ( $"Content of file '{Path.GetFileName(sourceFile)}'" );
Console . WriteLine ( "---" );
Console . WriteLine ( File . ReadAllText ( sourceFile ));
Console . WriteLine ( "---" );
Write xml file - simple start# With POCO# Let’s start with a simple example - we write data into a xml file using two POCOs (Plain old component objects).
public class Element
public SubElement Inner { get ; set ; }
public int Id { get ; set ; }
public class SubElement
public string Value { get ; set ; }
public decimal Number { get ; set ; }
string destFile = @"res/Examples/SimpleWithPOCO.xml" ;
var source = new MemorySource < Element >();
source . Data = new List < Element >() {
new Element () { Id = 1 , Inner = new SubElement () {
Value = "Test1" ,
Number = 1.1 m
new Element () { Id = 1 , Inner = new SubElement () {
Number = 1.2 m
new Element () { Id = 1 , Inner = new SubElement () {
Value = "Test<X>3" ,
Number = 1.3 m
var dest = new XmlDestination < Element >();
dest . Uri = destFile ;
dest . ResourceType = ResourceType . File ;
//Use ResourceType.Http for web endpoints!
dest . Encoding = Encoding . UTF8 ;
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
PrintFile ( destFile );
/* Output:
Content of file 'SimpleWithPOCO.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This example shows how we can use the System.Xml.Serializer attributes to customize our xml output.
public class ElementWA
public SubElementWA InnerElement { get ; set ; }
public int IdAttr { get ; set ; }
public class SubElementWA
public string Value { get ; set ; }
public decimal Number { get ; set ; }
string destFile = @"res/Examples/POCOWithConfig.xml" ;
var source = new MemorySource < ElementWA >();
source . Data = new List < ElementWA >() {
new ElementWA () { IdAttr = 1 , InnerElement = new SubElementWA () {
Value = "Test1" ,
Number = 1.1 m
new ElementWA () { IdAttr = 1 , InnerElement = new SubElementWA () {
Number = 1.2 m
new ElementWA () { IdAttr = 1 , InnerElement = new SubElementWA () {
Value = "Test<X>3" ,
Number = 1.3 m
var dest = new XmlDestination < ElementWA >();
dest . Uri = destFile ;
dest . ResourceType = ResourceType . File ;
//Use ResourceType.Http for web endpoints!
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
PrintFile ( destFile );
/* Output:
Content of file 'POCOWithConfig.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Element Id="1">
<Inner Number="1.1">
<Element Id="1">
<Inner Number="1.2" />
<Element Id="1">
<Inner Number="1.3">
Dynamic xml file creation# The following example shows how a dynamic ExpandoObject can be used to copy a sql server table into a xml file, without the need to define any strongly typed object first.
public static SqlConnectionString ConnectionString => Config . SqlConnection . ConnectionString ( "DataFlow" );
private void CreateTable ( IConnectionManager connMan , string tableName ) {
DropTableTask . DropIfExists ( connMan , tableName );
TableDefinition td = new TableDefinition ( tableName
, new List < TableColumn >() {
new TableColumn ( "Id" , "INT" , allowNulls : false ),
new TableColumn ( "Value1" , "VARCHAR(100)" , allowNulls : true ),
new TableColumn ( "Value2" , "VARCHAR(10)" , allowNulls : false )
CreateTableTask . Create ( connMan , td );
ObjectNameDescriptor TN = new ObjectNameDescriptor ( tableName , connMan . QB , connMan . QE );
SqlTask . ExecuteNonQuery ( connMan , $@"INSERT INTO {TN.QuotatedFullName} VALUES(1,'Test1', '1.1')" );
SqlTask . ExecuteNonQuery ( connMan , $@"INSERT INTO {TN.QuotatedFullName} VALUES(2,'Test2', '1.2')" );
SqlTask . ExecuteNonQuery ( connMan , $@"INSERT INTO {TN.QuotatedFullName} VALUES(3,'Test3', '1.3')" );
string destFile = @"res/Examples/TableIntoXml.xml" ;
var connMan = new SqlConnectionManager ( ConnectionString );
CreateTable ( connMan , "ExampleTable" );
var source = new DbSource () {
ConnectionManager = connMan ,
TableName = "ExampleTable"
var dest = new XmlDestination () {
Uri = destFile ,
RootElementName = "Root" ,
DynamicElementName = "Element"
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
PrintFile ( destFile );
/* Output:
Content of file 'TableIntoXml.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Writing into multiple files# You can use the GetNextUri
pattern (provided on all streaming connectors) to create multiple output files.
public class ElementWA
public SubElementWA InnerElement { get ; set ; }
public int IdAttr { get ; set ; }
public class SubElementWA
public string Value { get ; set ; }
public decimal Number { get ; set ; }
string filePrefix = @"res/Examples/multiple_files_" ;
var source = new MemorySource < ElementWA >();
source . Data = new List < ElementWA >();
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 8 ; i ++)
source . DataAsList . Add ( new ElementWA () {
IdAttr = i ,
InnerElement = new SubElementWA () {
Value = "Test" + i ,
Number = i * 0.1 m
var dest = new XmlDestination < ElementWA >();
dest . HasNextUri = ( smd , _ ) => smd . ProcessedRows == 3 ;
dest . GetNextUri = ( smd , _ ) => filePrefix + smd . ProgressCount / 3 + ".xml" ;
dest . ResourceType = ResourceType . File ;
//Use ResourceType.Http for web endpoints!
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
PrintFile ( filePrefix + "0.xml" );
PrintFile ( filePrefix + "1.xml" );
PrintFile ( filePrefix + "2.xml" );
/* Output:
Content of file 'multiple_files_0.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Element Id="1">
<Inner Number="0.1">
<Element Id="2">
<Inner Number="0.2">
<Element Id="3">
<Inner Number="0.3">
Content of file 'multiple_files_1.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Element Id="4">
<Inner Number="0.4">
<Element Id="5">
<Inner Number="0.5">
<Element Id="6">
<Inner Number="0.6">
Content of file 'multiple_files_2.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Element Id="7">
<Inner Number="0.7">
<Element Id="8">
<Inner Number="0.8">
Resource types# Writing into Azure blob storage# All streaming connectors support writing data into Azure blob storage.
public class ElementWA
public SubElementWA InnerElement { get ; set ; }
public int IdAttr { get ; set ; }
public class SubElementWA
public string Value { get ; set ; }
public decimal Number { get ; set ; }
string connectionString = AzureStorageHelper . RetrieveConnectionString ();
string containerName = "xml-example" ;
AzureStorageHelper . DeleteAndCreateContainer ( connectionString , containerName );
var source = new MemorySource < ElementWA >();
source . Data = new List < ElementWA >();
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 4 ; i ++)
source . DataAsList . Add ( new ElementWA () {
IdAttr = i ,
InnerElement = new SubElementWA () {
Value = "Test" + i ,
Number = i * 0.1 m
var dest = new XmlDestination < ElementWA >( "blob.xml" );
dest . ResourceType = ResourceType . AzureBlob ;
dest . AzureBlobStorage . ConnectionString = connectionString ;
dest . AzureBlobStorage . ContainerName = containerName ;
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
//Download blob again and check content
BlobContainerClient containerClient = new BlobContainerClient ( connectionString , containerName );
var content = containerClient . GetBlobClient ( "blob.xml" ). DownloadContent (). Value . Content ;
var file = Encoding . UTF8 . GetString ( content );
Console . WriteLine ( file );
/* Output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Element Id="1">
<Inner Number="0.1">
<Element Id="2">
<Inner Number="0.2">
<Element Id="3">
<Inner Number="0.3">
<Element Id="4">
<Inner Number="0.4">
Write into web endpoint# All streaming connectors allow you to send your data into any web endpoint using the ResourceType http.
public class ElementWA
public SubElementWA InnerElement { get ; set ; }
public int IdAttr { get ; set ; }
public class SubElementWA
public string Value { get ; set ; }
public decimal Number { get ; set ; }
var server = WireMockServer . Start ();
. Given (
Request . Create ()
. WithPath ( "/test" )
. UsingPost ()
. WithBody ( d => {
Console . WriteLine ( "Recived POST request with body:" );
Console . WriteLine ( d ); return true ;
. RespondWith (
Response . Create ()
. WithStatusCode ( 200 )
var source = new MemorySource < ElementWA >();
source . Data = new List < ElementWA >();
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 3 ; i ++)
source . DataAsList . Add ( new ElementWA () {
IdAttr = i ,
InnerElement = new SubElementWA () {
Value = "Test" + i ,
Number = i * 0.1 m
var dest = new XmlDestination < ElementWA >();
dest . ResourceType = ResourceType . Http ;
dest . Uri = @ $"http://localhost:{server.Port}/test" ;
dest . HttpRequestMessage . Method = HttpMethod . Post ;
dest . HttpContentType = "application/xml" ;
dest . HttpClient . DefaultRequestHeaders . Add ( "User-Agent" , "Test 1.0" );
dest . HttpRequestMessage . Properties . Add ( "x:prop" , "secret" );
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
/* Output:
Received POST request with body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Element Id="1">
<Inner Number="0.1">
<Element Id="2">
<Inner Number="0.2">
<Element Id="3">
<Inner Number="0.3">
Utilizing your own stream# All streaming connector support that you provide your own stream. The following example shows how to use your own file stream.
public class ElementWA
public SubElementWA InnerElement { get ; set ; }
public int IdAttr { get ; set ; }
public class SubElementWA
public string Value { get ; set ; }
public decimal Number { get ; set ; }
string destFile = @"res/Examples/OwnStream.xml" ;
var source = new MemorySource < ElementWA >();
source . Data = new List < ElementWA >();
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 3 ; i ++)
source . DataAsList . Add ( new ElementWA () {
IdAttr = i ,
InnerElement = new SubElementWA () {
Value = "Test" + i ,
Number = i * 0.1 m
FileStream fs = File . Create ( destFile );
XmlDestination < ElementWA > dest = new XmlDestination < ElementWA >();
dest . CreateStreamWriter = _ => {
return new StreamWriter ( fs , Encoding . UTF8 );
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
PrintFile ( destFile );
Content of file 'OwnStream.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Element Id="1">
<Inner Number="0.1">
<Element Id="2">
<Inner Number="0.2">
<Element Id="3">
<Inner Number="0.3">
Writing Dynamic Objects with Attributes# This example demonstrates how to write dynamic objects to an XML file, converting specific properties to attributes. The ShouldConvertDynamicPropToAttribute
predicate is used to determine which properties should be converted to XML attributes.
string destFile = @"res/Examples/DynamicWithAttributes.xml" ;
var source = new MemorySource ();
source . DataAsList . Add ( CreateDynamicObject ( 1 , "Test1" ));
source . DataAsList . Add ( CreateDynamicObject ( 2 , "Test2" ));
source . DataAsList . Add ( CreateDynamicObject ( 3 , "Test3" ));
var dest = new XmlDestination ( destFile );
dest . ShouldConvertDynamicPropToAttribute = el =>
el . Name == "Id" || el . Name == "Flag" ;
dest . Encoding = Encoding . UTF8 ;
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
PrintFile ( destFile );
/* Output:
Content of file 'DynamicWithAttributes.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Dynamic Id="1">
<Dynamic Id="2">
<Value />
<Nested Flag="true">
<Dynamic Id="3">
<Nested Flag="true">
private ExpandoObject CreateDynamicObject ( int id , string val ) {
dynamic r = new ExpandoObject ();
r . Id = id ;
r . Value = id == 2 ? null : val ;
if ( id >= 2 ) {
r . Nested = new ExpandoObject ();
r . Nested . Number = id * 0.1 m ;
r . Nested . Flag = true ;
return r ;