Memory source

This article contains example code that shows the usage of the MemorySource component.

The memory source can be used to send data into your data flow which is stored in any of your C# enumerable.

Using strongly typed objects

public class MyRow
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Value{ get; set; }

MemorySource<MyRow> source = new MemorySource<MyRow>();
var sourceData = new List<MyRow>()
    new MyRow() { Id = 1, Value = "Test1" },
    new MyRow() { Id = 2, Value = "Test2" },
    new MyRow() { Id= 3, Value= "Test3" }
source.Data = sourceData;

CustomDestination<MyRow> dest = new CustomDestination<MyRow>();
dest.WriteAction =
    (row, _) => { 
        Console.WriteLine("Received data with Id " + row.Id + " and Value " + row.Value); 


/* Output
    Received data with Id 1 and Value Test1
    Received data with Id 2 and Value Test2
    Received data with Id 3 and Value Test3

Using dynamic objects

dynamic item1 = new ExpandoObject();
item1.Value = "Test1";
item1.Id = 1;
dynamic item2 = new ExpandoObject();
item2.Value = "Test2";
item2.Id = 2;
dynamic item3 = new ExpandoObject();
item3.Value = "Test3";
item3.Id = 3;
var sourceData = new ExpandoObject[3];
sourceData[0] = item1;
sourceData[1] = item2;
sourceData[2] = item3;

MemorySource source = new MemorySource();
source.Data = sourceData;

CustomDestination dest = new CustomDestination();
dest.WriteAction =
    (row, _) => {
        var r = row as dynamic;
        Console.WriteLine("Received data with Id " + r.Id + " and Value " + r.Value);


/* Output
    Received data with Id 1 and Value Test1
    Received data with Id 2 and Value Test2
    Received data with Id 3 and Value Test3

Using array as type

var sourceData = new List<string[]>()
    new string[] { "1", "Test1" },
    new string[] { "2", "Test2" },
    new string[] { "3", "Test3" },
MemorySource<string[]> source = new MemorySource<string[]>();
source.Data = sourceData;

CustomDestination<string[]> dest = new CustomDestination<string[]>();
dest.WriteAction =
    (row, _) => {
        Console.WriteLine("Received data with Id " + row[0] + " and Value " + row[1]);


/* Output
Received data with Id 1 and Value Test1
Received data with Id 2 and Value Test2
Received data with Id 3 and Value Test3

Using method to generate data

With the yield return statement, you can write a custom method that produces your data. You can use this method also as input source data for a dataflow.

public class MyRow
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Value{ get; set; }

IEnumerable<MyRow> ProduceData(int upto) {
    for (int i = 1; i <= upto; i++) {
        yield return new MyRow() { Id = i, Value = "Test"+i };

MemorySource<MyRow> source = new MemorySource<MyRow>();
source.Data = ProduceData(3);

CustomDestination<MyRow> dest = new CustomDestination<MyRow>();
dest.WriteAction =
    (row, _) => {
        Console.WriteLine("Received data with Id " + row.Id + " and Value " + row.Value);


/* Output
Received data with Id 1 and Value Test1
Received data with Id 2 and Value Test2
Received data with Id 3 and Value Test3