Row validation

This article contains example code snippets that show how to use the RowValidation component.

Validation Function on Row Level

This example shows using the RowValidation component to validate incoming data using the ValidateRowFunc.

 public class MyRow {
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public decimal? Salary { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<MyRow>();
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyRow() { Id = 1, Name = "John", Salary = 5000m });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyRow() { Id = 2, Name = "Jane", Salary = -10});
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyRow() { Id = 3, Name = "Alice", Salary = 0m });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyRow() { Id = 4, Name = "Bob", Salary = 1000m });
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyRow() { Id = 3, Name = "TEST", Salary = null });

var trans = new RowValidation<MyRow>();
trans.ValidateRowFunc = row => row.Name == "TEST" || row.Salary > 0;

var validRows = new MemoryDestination<MyRow>();
var invalidRows = new MemoryDestination<MyRow>();

trans.LinkTo(validRows);       // Valid rows are sent to this destination
trans.LinkInvalidTo(invalidRows); // Invalid rows are sent to this destination

Console.WriteLine("Valid Rows:");
foreach (var row in validRows.Data) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Name: {row.Name}, Salary: {row.Salary}");

Console.WriteLine("Invalid Rows:");
foreach (var row in invalidRows.Data) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Name: {row.Name}, Salary: {row.Salary}");

/* Output
Valid Rows:
Id: 1, Name: John, Salary: 5000
Id: 4, Name: Bob, Salary: 1000
Id: 3, Name: TEST, Salary:
Invalid Rows:
Id: 2, Name: Jane, Salary: -10
Id: 3, Name: Alice, Salary: 0

Validation on Column Level

This example shows how the ValidateColumn attribute can be used to validate input data.

public class MyColumnRow {
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [ValidateColumn(ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsNotNull)]
    [ValidateColumn(ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsNumberBetween, Parameter1 = 1, Parameter2 = 10)]
    public int? Value1 { get; set; }

    [ValidateColumn(ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsNotZero)]
    public string Value2 { get; set; }

    [ValidateColumn(ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsPositive)]
    public decimal? Value3 { get; set; }

    [ValidateColumn(ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsEquals, Parameter1 = 3.34)]
    public double? Value4 { get; set; }

    [ValidateColumn(ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsNumeric)]
    public string ValueS { get; set; }

    public ValidationResult ConversionResult { get; set; }

var source = new MemorySource<MyColumnRow>();
// All valid
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyColumnRow() { Id = 1, Value1 = 5, Value2 = "1", Value3 = 10.5m, Value4 = 3.34, ValueS = "123" });
// Multiple errors
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyColumnRow() { Id = 2, Value1 = 11, Value2 = "0", Value3 = -5.0m, Value4 = 2.5, ValueS = "abc" });
// Valid except Value3 is null
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyColumnRow() { Id = 3, Value1 = 7, Value2 = "10", Value3 = null, Value4 = 3.34, ValueS = "44" });
// Missing Value1 and Value4
source.DataAsList.Add(new MyColumnRow() { Id = 4, Value1 = null, Value2 = "5", Value3 = 15.5m, Value4 = null, ValueS = "100" });

var trans = new RowValidation<MyColumnRow>();
var valid = new MemoryDestination<MyColumnRow>();
var invalid = new MemoryDestination<MyColumnRow>();


Console.WriteLine("Valid Rows:");
foreach (var row in valid.Data) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Value1: {row.Value1}, Value2: {row.Value2}, Value3: {row.Value3}, Value4: {row.Value4}, ValueS: {row.ValueS}");

Console.WriteLine("Invalid Rows:");
foreach (var row in invalid.Data) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Value1: {row.Value1}, Value2: {row.Value2}, Value3: {row.Value3}, Value4: {row.Value4}, ValueS: {row.ValueS}");
    if (row.ConversionResult != null && row.ConversionResult.Errors != null) {
        foreach (var error in row.ConversionResult.Errors) {
            Console.WriteLine($" - {error.Reason} (Value: {error.Value})");

/* Output:
Valid Rows:
Id: 1, Value1: 5, Value2: 1, Value3: 10.5, Value4: 3.34, ValueS: 123
Invalid Rows:
Id: 2, Value1: 11, Value2: 0, Value3: -5.0, Value4: 2.5, ValueS: abc
 - Number is not between '1' and '10', but expected it to be. (Value: 11)
 - Value is zero, but expected value to be not zero. (Value: 0)
 - Value is not positive, but expected value to be positive. (Value: -5.0)
 - Value is not equal '3.34', but expected value to be equal. (Value: 2.5)
 - Value is not numeric, but expected value to be numeric. (Value: abc)
Id: 3, Value1: 7, Value2: 10, Value3: , Value4: 3.34, ValueS: 44
 - Value is not positive, but expected value to be positive. (Value: )
Id: 4, Value1: , Value2: 5, Value3: 15.5, Value4: , ValueS: 100
 - Value is null, but expected value to be not null. (Value: )
 - Number is not between '1' and '10', but expected it to be. (Value: )
 - Value is not equal '3.34', but expected value to be equal. (Value: )

Validation of Columns in Dynamic

This example shows how a dynamic input row can be validated.

var source = new MemorySource();
source.DataAsList.Add(CreateTestData(1, "5", -5.34m));  // Valid
source.DataAsList.Add(CreateTestData(2, "X", 34));      // Invalid (Value1 is not numeric)
source.DataAsList.Add(CreateTestData(3, "5", null));    // Valid
source.DataAsList.Add(CreateTestData(4, "A", null));    // Invalid (Value2 is null)
source.DataAsList.Add(CreateTestData(5, 6, "-7"));      // Invalid (Value2 is not negative)

var trans = new RowValidation();
trans.IgnoreMissingProperties = true;
trans.ValidateColumns = new []
    new ValidateColumn() { PropertyName = "Value1", ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsNumberBetween, Parameter1 = 1, Parameter2 = 10 },
    new ValidateColumn() { PropertyName = "Value2", ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsNotNull },
    new ValidateColumn() { PropertyName = "Value2", ValidationMethod = ValidationMethod.IsNegative }

var validRows = new MemoryDestination();
var invalidRows = new MemoryDestination();

trans.LinkTo(validRows);       // Valid rows are sent to this destination
trans.LinkInvalidTo(invalidRows); // Invalid rows are sent to this destination

Console.WriteLine("Valid Rows:");
foreach (dynamic row in validRows.Data) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Value1: {row.Value1}, Value2: {row.Value2}");

Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid Rows:");
foreach (dynamic row in invalidRows.Data) {
    var validationResult = row.ValidationResult as ValidationResult;
    var value2 = (row as IDictionary<string,object>).ContainsKey("Value2") ? row.Value2 : "null";
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Value1: {row.Value1}, Value2: {value2}");
    foreach (var error in validationResult.Errors) {
        Console.WriteLine($" - {error.Reason} (Value: {error.Value})");

/* Output
 *     Valid Rows:
Id: 1, Value1: 5, Value2: -5.34
Id: 5, Value1: 6, Value2: -7

Invalid Rows:
Id: 2, Value1: X, Value2: 34
 - Number is not between '1' and '10', but expected it to be. (Value: X)
 - Value is not negative, but expected value to be negative. (Value: 34)
Id: 3, Value1: 5, Value2: null
 - Value is null, but expected value to be not null. (Value: )
 - Value is not negative, but expected value to be negative. (Value: )
Id: 4, Value1: A, Value2: null
 - Number is not between '1' and '10', but expected it to be. (Value: A)
 - Value is null, but expected value to be not null. (Value: )
 - Value is not negative, but expected value to be negative. (Value: )

ExpandoObject CreateTestData(int id, object value1, object value2) {
    dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
    obj.Id = id;
    obj.Value1 = value1;
    if (value2 != null)
        obj.Value2 = value2;
    return obj;