Caching batches

The CachedBatchTransformation has the same functionality as the BatchTransformation, but offers additionally a cache manager object to access previously processed batches of data.


Additionally to the BatchTransformation, the CacheddBatchTransformation let you access a cache object which stores the previously processed data.


The CachedBatchTransformation has an input buffer and an output buffer. It will block execution until the buffer size is equal the batch size, or the source component has completed. Additionally to these buffer it will store the cached data in memory.

Code snippet

CachedBatchTransformation<MyRow> batchtrans = new CachedBatchTransformation<MyRow>();
batchtrans.MaxCacheSize = 100;
batchtrans.BatchSize = 5;
batchtrans.BatchTransformationFunc =
    (batchdata, cache) =>
        List<MyRow> result = new List<MyRow>();
        foreach (var row in batchdata)
            if (!(cache.Any(cacheRow => cacheRow.Id == row.Id)))
                result.Add(new MyOutputRow(row));
        return result;