Duplicate checks
This example shows how different methods to filter out duplicates in your input data.
Source data
We have the following source data in a csv file:
"ID";"Name" ;"Text"
"1" ;"ROOT" ;"Lorem ipsum"
"2" ;"TEST 2";"Lalandia"
"3" ;"TEST 3";"XX"
"3" ;"TEST 5";"XXX"
"1" ;"ROOT" ;"Lorem ipsum ipsum"
We want to write this data into a database table, but we would like to have the ID unique. So we end up with two duplicate records (the last two in the csv file with the ID “3” and “1”).
General setup
The following code example will all share the same data objects and helper methods:
public SqlConnectionManager Connection => Config.SqlConnection.ConnectionManager("Demo");
public class Poco
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public bool IsDuplicate { get; set; }
private CsvSource<Poco> CreateDuplicateCsvSource(string fileName) {
CsvSource<Poco> source = new CsvSource<Poco>(fileName);
source.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
source.Configuration.TrimOptions = CsvHelper.Configuration.TrimOptions.Trim;
source.Configuration.MissingFieldFound = null;
return source;
private DbDestination<Poco> CreateDestinationTable(string tableName) {
DropTableTask.DropIfExists(Connection, tableName);
var dest = new DbDestination<Poco>(Connection, tableName);
TableDefinition stagingTable = new TableDefinition(tableName, new List<TableColumn>() {
new TableColumn("PKey", "INT", allowNulls: false, isPrimaryKey:true, isIdentity:true),
new TableColumn("ID", "INT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("Value", "NVARCHAR(100)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("Name", "NVARCHAR(100)", allowNulls: false)
return dest;
Using the Distinct
The easiest and fastest way to detect duplicates is using the Distinct transformation.
public void UsingDistinct() {
CsvSource<Poco> source = CreateDuplicateCsvSource("res/UseCases/DuplicateCheck.csv");
Distinct<Poco> distinct = new Distinct<Poco>();
distinct.DistinctColumns = new[] {
new DistinctColumn() { DistinctPropertyName = "ID" }
DbDestination<Poco> dest = CreateDestinationTable("dbo.DuplicateCheck");
//distinct.LinkDuplicatesTo(..) allows you to process the duplicates
Using the RowTransformation
The RowTransformation is the Swiss army knife for most data flow tasks. So we could use it to implement our own duplicate detection.
public void DuplicateCheckInRowTrans() {
CsvSource<Poco> source = CreateDuplicateCsvSource("res/UseCases/DuplicateCheck.csv");
List<int> IDs = new List<int>(); //at the end of the flow, this list will contain all IDs of your source
RowTransformation<Poco, Poco> rowTrans = new RowTransformation<Poco, Poco>(input => {
if (IDs.Contains(input.ID))
input.IsDuplicate = true;
return input;
Multicast<Poco> multicast = new Multicast<Poco>();
DbDestination<Poco> dest = CreateDestinationTable("dbo.DuplicateCheck");
VoidDestination<Poco> trash = new VoidDestination<Poco>();
multicast.LinkTo(dest, input => input.IsDuplicate == false);
multicast.LinkTo(trash, input => input.IsDuplicate == true);
Using the BlockTransformation
You can also use the BlockTransformation to wait for all records in the transformation to arrive, and the filter the duplicates out using a simple linq statement. Please note that this will perform bad with big amounts of data, as the BlockTransformation will store all data in memory first before executing any code.
public void DuplicateCheckWithBlockTrans() {
CsvSource<Poco> source = CreateDuplicateCsvSource("res/UseCases/DuplicateCheck.csv");
List<int> IDs = new List<int>(); //at the end of the flow, this list will contain all IDs of your source
BlockTransformation<Poco> blockTrans = new BlockTransformation<Poco>(inputList => {
return inputList.GroupBy(item => item.ID).Select(y => y.First()).ToArray();
DbDestination<Poco> dest = CreateDestinationTable("dbo.DuplicateCheck");