Memory destination This article contains example code that shows the usage of the MemoryDestination component.
On this page The memory source stores any received data in any .NET generic
. type. The default type for storing data is a generic List<T>
, but any collection that implements ICollection<T>
will also work.
Example with strongly typed objects# Using default list# By default, your incoming data is stored in a List<T>
public class MyRow
public int Id { get ; set ; }
public string Value { get ; set ; }
CustomSource < MyRow > source = new CustomSource < MyRow >();
source . ReadFunc = pc => new MyRow { Id = pc + 1 , Value = "Test" + ( pc + 1 ) };
source . ReadingCompleted = pc => pc == 3 ;
MemoryDestination < MyRow > dest = new MemoryDestination < MyRow >();
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
foreach ( var row in dest . Data )
Console . WriteLine ( "Received row with Id " + row . Id + " and Value " + row . Value );
Received row with Id 1 and Value Test1
Received row with Id 2 and Value Test2
Received row with Id 3 and Value Test3
Using own collection# This example shows how to use a SortedSet as storage for your incoming data.
public class MyRow
public int Id { get ; set ; }
public string Value { get ; set ; }
public class ByIdDesc : IComparer < MyRow >
public int Compare ( MyRow x , MyRow y ) => y . Id - x . Id ;
CustomSource < MyRow > source = new CustomSource < MyRow >();
source . ReadFunc = pc => new MyRow { Id = pc + 1 , Value = "Test" + ( pc + 1 ) };
source . ReadingCompleted = pc => pc == 3 ;
MemoryDestination < MyRow > dest = new MemoryDestination < MyRow >();
dest . Data = new SortedSet < MyRow >( new ByIdDesc ());
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
foreach ( var row in dest . Data )
Console . WriteLine ( "Received row with Id " + row . Id + " and Value " + row . Value );
Received row with Id 3 and Value Test3
Received row with Id 2 and Value Test2
Received row with Id 1 and Value Test1
Example with dynamic objects# CustomSource source = new CustomSource ();
source . ReadFunc = pc => {
dynamic row = new ExpandoObject ();
row . Id = pc + 1 ;
row . Value = "Test" + ( pc + 1 );
return row ;
source . ReadingCompleted = pc => pc == 3 ;
MemoryDestination dest = new MemoryDestination ();
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
foreach ( dynamic row in dest . Data )
Console . WriteLine ( "Received row with Id " + row . Id + " and Value " + row . Value );
Received row with Id 1 and Value Test1
Received row with Id 2 and Value Test2
Received row with Id 3 and Value Test3
Example with array# CustomSource < string []> source = new CustomSource < string []>();
source . ReadFunc = pc => new string [] {
( pc + 1 ). ToString (),
"Test" + ( pc + 1 )
source . ReadingCompleted = pc => pc == 3 ;
MemoryDestination < string []> dest = new MemoryDestination < string []>();
source . LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
foreach ( var row in dest . Data )
Console . WriteLine ( "Received row with Id " + row [ 0 ] + " and Value " + row [ 1 ]);
Received row with Id 1 and Value Test1
Received row with Id 2 and Value Test2
Received row with Id 3 and Value Test3
Concurrent memory destination# The ConcurrentMemoryDestination
is almost the same as the MemoryDestination
, but instead of a ICollection<T>
for incoming data it uses a BlockingCollection<T>
to store incoming data.
var source = new MemorySource < MyRow >();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000000 ; i ++)
source . DataAsList . Add ( new MyRow () { Id = i , Value = "Test" + i });
var dest = new ConcurrentMemoryDestination < MyRow >();
source . LinkTo ( dest );
var runTask = Network . ExecuteAsync ( source );
Console . WriteLine ( "Adding completed?" + dest . Data . IsAddingCompleted );
dest . Data . TryTake ( out MyRow firstTry );
Console . WriteLine ( "Data found?" + ( firstTry != null ));
await runTask ;
dest . Data . TryTake ( out MyRow secondTry );
Console . WriteLine ( "Adding completed?" + dest . Data . IsAddingCompleted );
Console . WriteLine ( "Data found?" + ( secondTry != null ));
/* Ouput:
Adding completed?False
Data found?False
Adding completed?True
Data found?True