DbMerge Performance Test
This blog post provides a simplified example of how to conduct a performance test for the DbMerge component using the ETLBox library in a C# application.
Simple Guide to DbMerge Performance
In this blog post, we will look at a simple example that shows how to test the performance of the DbMerge
component using ETLBox in a C# application. The code includes three main parts: MergeRow
, Program
, and DbHelper
. Let’s break down what each part does.
MergeRow Class
The MergeRow
class defines the structure of the data we are working with. It includes several properties that will be used to compare and update data during the merge process.
public class MergeRow : MergeableRow
public long Id { get; set; }
public long LongValue1 { get; set; }
public long LongValue2 { get; set; }
public long LongValue3 { get; set; }
public long LongValue4 { get; set; }
public long LongValue5 { get; set; }
public long LongValue6 { get; set; }
public long LongValue7 { get; set; }
public long LongValue8 { get; set; }
public long LongValue9 { get; set; }
public long LongValue10 { get; set; }
public string StringValue1 { get; set; }
public string StringValue2 { get; set; }
public string StringValue3 { get; set; }
public string StringValue4 { get; set; }
public string StringValue5 { get; set; }
Program Class
The Program
class is the main part of the application. It sets up the database connection, configures logging, and starts the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process.
internal class Program {
//Connection string for local SQL Server
//static string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost;User Id=sa;Password=YourStrong@Passw0rd;Initial Catalog=mergetest;TrustServerCertificate=true";
//Connection string for azure SQL Server
static string connectionString = "Server=tcp:azure.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=etlboxsupport;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=etlbox;Password=YourStrong@Passw0rd;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;";
static void Main(string[] args) {
ETLBoxOffice.LicenseManager.LicenseCheck.LicenseKey =
Settings.DisableAllLogging = true;
var connMan = new SqlConnectionManager(connectionString);
DbHelper.CleanSourceTable = true;
DbHelper.CreateDatabaseIfNeeded("mergetest", connectionString);
Console.WriteLine("Writing test data into source and destination tables ...");
Console.WriteLine("This might take a while ...");
//Test with small number of rows
//DbHelper.InsertTestDataSource(connMan, 55, 107);
//DbHelper.InsertTestDataDestination(connMan, 25, 70);
//Test with medium number of rows
//DbHelper.InsertTestDataSource(connMan, 550_123, 1_050_234);
//DbHelper.InsertTestDataDestination(connMan, 250_345, 700_456);
//Test with large number of rows
DbHelper.InsertTestDataSource(connMan, 5_000_123, 10_000_789);
DbHelper.InsertTestDataDestination(connMan, 2_500_345, 7_000_456);
Settings.DisableAllLogging = false;
DbSource<MergeRow> source = new() {
ConnectionManager = connMan,
TableName = "source",
DisableLogging = true
DbMerge<MergeRow> merge = new() {
ConnectionManager = connMan,
TableName = "destination",
MergeMode = MergeMode.Full,
CacheMode = CacheMode.Full,
DisableLogging = false
DbDestination<MergeRow> delta = new(connMan, "delta");
delta.DisableLogging = true;
private static void InitializeLoggingWithNlog() {
using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => {
.AddFilter("Microsoft", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Warning)
.AddFilter("System", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Warning)
Settings.LogInstance = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Default");
Settings.LogThreshold = 10000;
DbHelper Class
The DbHelper
class includes helper functions for setting up the database, creating tables, and inserting test data. This class makes sure everything is ready for the ETL process.
internal class DbHelper
public static bool CleanSourceTable = true;
public static void CreateDatabaseIfNeeded(string dbName, SqlConnectionString connectionString) {
var masterConnection = new SqlConnectionManager(connectionString.CloneWithMasterDbName());
if (!IfDatabaseExistsTask.IsExisting(masterConnection, dbName))
CreateDatabaseTask.Create(masterConnection, dbName);
public static void CreateTables(SqlConnectionManager connection) {
TableDefinition SourceTableDef = new TableDefinition("source",
new List<TableColumn>() {
new TableColumn("IdentityKey", "int",allowNulls: false, isPrimaryKey:true, isIdentity: true),
new TableColumn("Id","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue1","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue2","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue3","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue4","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue5","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue6","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue7","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue8","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue9","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue10","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue1","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue2","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue3","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue4","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue5","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
TableDefinition DestinationTableDef = new TableDefinition("destination",
new List<TableColumn>() {
new TableColumn("IdentityKey", "int",allowNulls: false, isPrimaryKey:true, isIdentity: true),
new TableColumn("Id","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue1","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue2","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue3","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue4","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue5","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue6","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue7","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue8","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue9","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("LongValue10","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue1","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue2","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue3","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue4","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("StringValue5","VARCHAR(5)", allowNulls: false),
TableDefinition DeltaTableDef = new TableDefinition("delta",
new List<TableColumn>() {
new TableColumn("IdentityKey", "int",allowNulls: false, isPrimaryKey:true, isIdentity: true),
new TableColumn("Id","BIGINT", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("ChangeDate","DATETIME2(7)", allowNulls: false),
new TableColumn("ChangeAction","VARCHAR(100)", allowNulls: false),
if (!IfTableOrViewExistsTask.IsExisting(connection, SourceTableDef.Name))
CreateTableTask.Create(connection, SourceTableDef);
else {
if (CleanSourceTable) TruncateTableTask.Truncate(connection, SourceTableDef.Name);
if (!IfTableOrViewExistsTask.IsExisting(connection, DestinationTableDef.Name))
CreateTableTask.Create(connection, DestinationTableDef);
TruncateTableTask.Truncate(connection, DestinationTableDef.Name);
if (!IfTableOrViewExistsTask.IsExisting(connection, DeltaTableDef.Name))
CreateTableTask.Create(connection, DeltaTableDef);
TruncateTableTask.Truncate(connection, DeltaTableDef.Name);
public static void InsertTestDataSource(SqlConnectionManager connection, int start, int end) {
if (!CleanSourceTable && RowCountTask.Count(connection, "source") > 0) return;
sourceStart = start;
sourceEnd = end;
var source = new MemorySource<MergeRow>();
source.Data = ProduceSource();
source.DisableLogging = true;
var dest = new DbDestination<MergeRow>(connection, "source");
dest.DisableLogging = true;
public static void InsertTestDataDestination(SqlConnectionManager connection, int start, int end) {
destinationStart = start;
destinationEnd = end;
var source = new MemorySource<MergeRow>();
source.Data = ProduceDest();
source.DisableLogging = true;
var dest = new DbDestination<MergeRow>(connection, "destination");
dest.DisableLogging = true;
static int sourceStart = 50;
static int sourceEnd = 100;
static IEnumerable<MergeRow> ProduceSource() {
while (sourceStart < sourceEnd) {
yield return new MergeRow() {
Id = sourceStart,
LongValue1 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue2 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue3 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue4 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue5 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue6 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue7 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue8 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue9 = sourceStart % 5,
LongValue10 = sourceStart % 5,
StringValue1 = "ABCD" + (sourceStart % 5),
StringValue2 = "ABCD" + (sourceStart % 5),
StringValue3 = "ABCD" + (sourceStart % 5),
StringValue4 = "ABCD" + (sourceStart % 5),
StringValue5 = "ABCDE",
static int destinationStart = 1;
static int destinationEnd = 75;
static IEnumerable<MergeRow> ProduceDest() {
while (destinationStart < destinationEnd) {
yield return new MergeRow() {
Id = destinationStart,
LongValue1 = destinationStart % 3,
LongValue2 = destinationStart % 3,
LongValue3 = destinationStart % 3,
LongValue4 = destinationStart % 3,
LongValue5 = destinationStart % 3,
LongValue6 = destinationStart % 5,
LongValue7 = destinationStart % 5,
LongValue8 = destinationStart % 5,
LongValue9 = destinationStart % 5,
LongValue10 = destinationStart % 5,
StringValue1 = "ABCD" + (destinationStart % 3),
StringValue2 = "ABCD" + (destinationStart % 3),
StringValue3 = "ABCD" + (destinationStart % 3),
StringValue4 = "ABCD" + (destinationStart % 5),
StringValue5 = "ABCDE",
This example shows how to set up a simple performance test for the DbMerge
component using ETLBox in C#. The MergeRow
class defines the data structure, the Program
class runs the ETL process, and the DbHelper
class helps with setting up the database and inserting test data. This setup is useful for testing how well the DbMerge
component handles large amounts of data.
Code on Github
The entire code for this example, along with additional resources and documentation, is available on GitHub for further exploration and contribution .