Row transformation This article contains example code that shows the usage of the RowTransformation component.
On this page Basic usage# The row transformation is the Swiss army knife for any type of data transformation that you would like to apply to every row of your data. The TransformationFunc
allows you to execute any code C# for every row in your data pipeline.
public class MyRow
public int InputValue { get ; set ; }
public int Result { get ; set ; }
public void BasicExample () {
var source = new MemorySource < MyRow >();
source . DataAsList . Add ( new MyRow () { InputValue = 1 });
source . DataAsList . Add ( new MyRow () { InputValue = 2 });
var rowTrans = new RowTransformation < MyRow >(
row => {
//Any C# code here
row . Result = row . InputValue * 2 ;
return row ;
var dest = new MemoryDestination < MyRow >();
source . LinkTo ( rowTrans ). LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
foreach ( var row in dest . Data )
Console . WriteLine ( $"InputValue:{row.InputValue} Result:{row.Result}" );
//InputValue:1 Result:2
//InputValue:2 Result:4
Converting data types# The RowTransformation
can not only used to apply custom C# code, it can also be used to convert the data type of your incoming data into a different output type.
public class MyArray
public int Col1 { get ; set ; }
public string Col2 { get ; set ; }
public void ConvertingDataTypes () {
var source = new MemorySource < string []>();
source . DataAsList . Add ( new string [] { "1" , "A" });
source . DataAsList . Add ( new string [] { "2" , "B" });
var rowTrans = new RowTransformation < string [], MyArray >();
rowTrans . TransformationFunc =
row => {
return new MyArray () {
Col1 = int . Parse ( row [ 0 ]),
Col2 = row [ 1 ]
var dest = new MemoryDestination < MyArray >();
source . LinkTo < MyArray >( rowTrans ). LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
foreach ( var row in dest . Data )
Console . WriteLine ( $"Col1:{row.Col1} Col2:{row.Col2}" );
//Col1:1 Col2:A
//Col1:2 Col2:B
Using dynamic ExpandoObject# The RowTransformation
also works (like all other transformations in ETLBox) with the dynamic ExpandoObject
public void UsingDynamicObject () {
var source = new CsvSource ( "res/Examples/example_input.csv" );
var rowTrans = new RowTransformation ();
rowTrans . TransformationFunc =
row => {
dynamic dynrow = row as dynamic ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"Id:{dynrow.Id} Value:{dynrow.Value}" );
return row ;
var dest = new VoidDestination ();
source . LinkTo ( rowTrans ). LinkTo ( dest );
Network . Execute ( source );
//Id:1 Value:A
//Id:2 Value:B
//Id:3 Value:C