You can specify mapping between the property names of your input data and the database columns.
You can also specifiy here if you want to ignore particular properties/columns during the operation.
Indicates whether to redirect erroneous batches. By default an exception is thrown when a batch can't be inserted into a database,
and the bulk operation is stopped.
Setting this to true won't stop execution when a batch can't be processed.
ErrorData will hold details about flawed batch.
By default, the table name is the type/class name of the data (or the type/class name + 's').
Assign a value if you want to specify a specific table name.
By default, the table name is either the type/class name of the data (or the type/class name + 's').
Set this value if you want to have a prefix added to this default.
By default, the table name is either the type/class name of the data (or the type/class name + 's').
Set this value if you want to have a suffix added to this default.